I am more than excited to announce that I will be adding a GLAMOUR option for all of you beautiful ladies.
I want women of all ages: grandmothers, mothers, wives, sisters, YOU!
This is an opportunity for a wonderfully classy and glamorous photo shoot that is all about making you feel and see how beautiful you truly are.
I am looking for a variety of models. All models will get free digital images to use how you want but must pay for hair and makeup.
(I will send all details to the lucky models!)
You must leave a comment on this post in order to be considered and send me an email with your photo attached.
I will pick somewhere between 5-10 women. Tell me why you feel YOU deserve this!
I’m interested!!
I would love to do it!
I’m interested ! Will send email and photo
Because it’s time for me to do something for myself and fee beautiful. I’m a hardworking, single mother of a beautiful 2 1/2 year old boy.
I’m also a fellow photographer and it would be wonderful to be the subject for once!
Photos on its way!
Replying as my spellcheck messed up my name.
I am a single mother of four daughters. I have not had a photo shoot of myself done since I in my twenties. I am now 55. I did have my pic taken for the church directory. I deserve this because I raised and home schooled four beautiful girls. Enough said.
Hi, I would love to have this opportunity. Please consider me! I am a student at seminary and don’t have the money to afford it, it would be nice to have this experience. Thanks
Why do I deserve it?
I am a single mom of two, going back to school for my master in marriage and family counseling, and a part time certified elementary teacher who trains and competes horses in eventing. You know my story. My goal this year, to be authentic to myself and others and to raise my kiddos to be such. We don’t have to be in our twenties to be beautiful. I have so many “scars” from life, those scars make me who I am and i hope reflect authenticity in my inner beauty.
I deserve it bc at 37, I have finally learned to be true to who I am.
I can send you a pic, but you have some of me with my munchkins. :)
Meeee! I’ll email you!
I’m interested!! :D you’re so talented, I’d love to be behind your lense instead of infront of mine haha
Well I messed that up. #embarrassment I meant: I’d rather be in front if your lens than behind mine.
Hehe. :P
I would love to be considered for this wonderful opportunity
I would love to be considered because I have seen your work on my family. It would fun to see what you could do to my 30 year old self. :-)
I would love to do this! I feel like since having P, I don’t take care of myself like I used to because I’m so concentrated on her… making sure she has everything possible, that she’s happy, etc. What a great thing to do for myself, and let’s be honest, it would be a challenge because I’m not used to pictures of myself anymore, but rather pictures of P.
My answer is simple — I want my children (and sweet husband!) to have memories of me – I’m generally the one taking the photos and seldom am in them. I’d also like them all to have a lasting memory of me that does not involve me in pj’s, sweat pants, and hair swept back in a dirty bun or ponytail!
I would love the chance!! I’m turning 30 on May 1st and been doing a list of things before I turn 30, to end my 20s on a good note and start my 30s on a good one. With dealing with PTSD and anxiety, I’ve finally come to the point of my life of being happy and putting myself out there in the world. I would love the chance to “immortalize” my new outlook with this opportunity.
I would love to have you take sophisticated pictures of myself. I would love the opportunity to be able to show how far I’ve come in this short amount of time I’ve had on earth. From being a teenage mother to an bachelor’s degree of science in nursing.
i would love to see omi as your glamour model. Do you trink you can Do the shooting around the world? she deserves it because she’s one of the most beautiful woman in the world. always there for us, she feels when she’s needed and when she just wrap her arms around you, you feel you’re at home and save. she just love you with all her heart … she thinks of anyone of us before she even thinks of herself. she prays for all of us every evening … what Do you think? of course it would be wondwrful also if we could get a pic with the whole family around her. cause that’s her life.
I’m interested!! What a fun idea!
I would love to get to do a mother/ daughter shot….my mother is my best friend and never doing anything for herself! She is always taking care patients as well as her family! She deserves this and I would love to do it with her!
I would like to nominate one of my long time friends Maria Skrukrud. I won’t divulge all her personal details, however, she is one of the most deserving single moms to a beautiful daughter. Maria has been through a hec of a lot more in the last few years than I have been my entire life. Despite all this, she continues to be a symbol of tenacity, positivity, and grace to the rest of us. I am certain that this woman has not done anything remotely close to taking time out for herself in over ten years yet she always has the biggest smile plastered to her face along with her love for her child written all over it. She is a role model to the rest of us rookie moms and it’s time she got a little something back. PS. She also happens to be a beautiful Colombian woman!!
I saw this and was so excited! I have honestly never loved solo photos of myself until the ones I had taken by you! Loved them, was glad to finally be proud of a portrait of myself to pass down. It’s very rare you can find a (modest) photographer that can really bring out things in photos like you do but you nail it! Please consider me!
To be honest I don’t deserve this, but you take the most amazingly beautiful pictures! It would be such a blessing to be photographed by you.
I’m interested! I will email you :)
Okay let the fun begin! i think i deserve to be your Glamour Model because I have been blessed by God to be chosen to carry you and your lovely sister in my belly for almost nine months while my feet swelled to the size of elephant feet. (I have pictures to prove it!) After 72 pounds of weight gain you and your sis entered the world as proud 5 and 6 pound babies. My body looks the way it does because of carrying, feeding and raising you and the rest of my beautiful children (and yes I would do it all over again!)I am graying because of all the exciting things you and your siblings put me through. Like you jumping into the bathtub (I think you were trying to fly) only to end up in the hospital and then finally loose your front teeth. There are many more stories I could tell but they might embarrass you and I really don’t want to do that.:0) But God was faithful and through the years he created in you my little flutterby a carefree and always positive sweet sister,friend, wife and daughter. You have become a beautiful, gracious, creative, strong, helpful, patient, kind, hard working and selfless woman and I am so proud to call you my daughter. But finally and most importantly…I think I deserve this session with you because I need to spend more time with you! What do you think?!!!Love,Mom
I hope I’m not too late, but I’d love to do this! I’ve never really done anything like it before. I absolutely loved my last session with you! You definely made it a lot of fun for me. :)
I absolutely love this concept of yours. A few days ago I was speaking with a dear friend about truth and beauty. It has only been in the last two years that I have begun to delve into my personal issues with body image, starting with the admission that I actually have body image issues.
And then I lost weight.
This only highlighted further for me how body image issues are not wrapped up in numbers on the scale but perceptions of the beholder. Photography, unlike any other medium, has been monumental in speaking truth into my life. It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The thousands of lies I speak to myself find their undoing in a single, undeniable photograph of myself. It is easy to dismiss compliments, less so to dismiss my image in print. It would definitely take courage to be in front of another camera, but more and more I desire to be honest and give up hiding.
The Lord has been working in my heart, giving me new eyes to see myself as He sees me, and as others probably do, too. While photographs can be edited to disguise the truth, you use your skill to enhance truth, bringing out the good and beautiful in your subjects. This is why I’m so excited for your models! Whether or not I’m chosen, I look forward to seeing more of this type of work and how you are helping women who are beautiful to feel beautiful, the way God has created them.
I would love to be considered for this. I am blessed beyond measure, but being only 28 and having raised my brother (now 16) for basically his whole life, I have had to give up so much. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but sometimes I do wish that for just a moment, I could be a care free twenty-something. That’s especially true now that we have a toddler running around the house as well. A stay at home mom basically lives in yoga pants and messy hair. :/
{I would actually love it if my grandmother, mom, and I could get a generations portrait this way. And Peyton too.}
Hello – I want to say thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I cannot be happier that you are interested in investing your talent for all ages of women. What a gift you are giving!
I am a new mother to our 8 month old son, Liam Grey! I would love to be considered as a potential candidate.. I don’t consider myself to be the typical women you would want to take glamour shots of, but I am giving myself a chance to feel that way. This would be such a blessing to me. To feel confident and beautiful after having a son knowing just how much I have changed physically would be great. As a stay at home mom of one and a caretaker of my 2yr old nephew, there are days I am glad to brush my teeth and shower before my husband comes home…so THIS opportunity is awesome!!!
Would love to be considered~